Why You Should Incorporate At Least 30 Minutes of Exercise in Your Week
Unsplash:https://unsplash.com/photos/silhouette-photography-of-woman-doing-yoga-F2qh3yjz6Jk?utm_content=creditShareLink&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash Have you ever wondered about the benefits of exercise on your physical and mental health? I go through the benefits of at least 30 minutes of exercise per week in this article. Have you ever wondered about the benefits of exercise on your physical and mental health? The benefits on your physical health are a given, but a lot of people overlook the mental health aspect. Exercise has an uncountable amount of benefits, both for our physical as well as our mental health. Incorporating at least 30 minutes of exercise into your week is recommended as the minimum amount … Continue reading Why You Should Incorporate At Least 30 Minutes of Exercise in Your Week