Why You Should Incorporate At Least 30 Minutes of Exercise in Your Week


Have you ever wondered about the benefits of exercise on your physical and mental health? I go through the benefits of at least 30 minutes of exercise per week in this article.

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of exercise on your physical and mental health? The benefits on your physical health are a given, but a lot of people overlook the mental health aspect. Exercise has an uncountable amount of benefits, both for our physical as well as our mental health. Incorporating at least 30 minutes of exercise into your week is recommended as the minimum amount you should be doing to receive the benefits. It’s easier said than done for many of us, of course, with children to care for and 9-5s to go to, but setting aside at least 30 minutes per week to exercise should be a priority for your health. I go through the benefits of at least 30 minutes of exercise per week in this article. Here are a few reasons why you should consider making exercise a regular part of your routine:

More Brain Power!:

Getting enough exercise in your daily life can also have a positive impact on your cognitive function, including your memory and ability to focus. It can also help to reduce the risk of cognitive decline such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease later in life. Having lower mental health, such as depression, has been linked to conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. Not everyone who doesn’t exercise enough is destined to get Alzheimer’s disease, of course, however, alongside having the gene for Alzheimer’s, a lack of exercise and bad lifestyle choices can make you more prone to getting the disease. You can find out if you are more prone to certain diseases, especially those that affect your mental health through certain tests, such as Alzheimer’s genetic testing, which you can even do through the post and online. Alongside the scientific reasons why exercising is great for your brain, knowing that you have stuck to your exercise schedule that day can really boost your mood and make you feel more focused and ready to take on the day ahead.

It Can Improve Your Mental Health:

Regular exercise is proven to improve your mental health in a completely natural yet very beneficial way. Firstly, by taking the time to exercise you are putting effort into your body and having some ‘me time’ that many of us desperately need but so rarely get these days. Between running around after children and sitting at a desk all day, it can sometimes feel as though there is no time left for yourself in the day. Taking the time to exercise most days can greatly improve your mental health by being at one with yourself while fueling your body, mind, and soul.

Exercise also stimulates the release of endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Endorphins can naturally help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and provide a sense of relaxation and calm. These can also help reduce the possibility of decreased mental health, as well as manage your mental illness such as easing the symptoms of depression and, improving self-image and help with anxiety and stress.

Boost Your Energy Levels:

Exercise is known to help boost your energy levels and reduce feelings of fatigue and sleepiness. Waking up in the morning and struggling to keep your eyes open is never fun, but unfortunately, most of us know how it feels. To combat this, a lot of people tend to actually exercise in the morning to get a boost of endorphins and energise themselves for the day ahead. This can make it easier to get through your day-to-day tasks and activities. As well as energising your day ahead, exercising can actually cause you to have better sleep, too. Regular exercise can help improve the quality and duration of your sleep, which in turn leaves you more energised and rested for your day ahead. Exercise can physically exhaust you, which in turn can make you feel more willing to sleep at night. As exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety, it in turn helps you doze off without as many worries and anxieties, which can interfere with your sleep. Exercise has also been shown to reduce the occurrence of sleep-disruptive behaviors such as snoring and sleep apnea. This can help to promote better sleep quality and reduce the risk of sleep-related health issues.

Overall, incorporating at least 30 minutes of exercise into your week adds numerous benefits to your physical and mental health. Although health professionals do recommend adding 30 minutes of exercise per day, it can be difficult for all of us to achieve with our busy schedules. The main focus is to slowly increase your weekly activity so that you can reap the benefits of exercise on both your physical and mental health. And it all doesn’t need to be fast-paced, intense workouts either, you can incorporate taking your dog for a walk or trying a new dance class in your local gym to get your steps up and increase your heart rate. Whether it’s going for a walk, taking a yoga class, or hitting the gym, find an activity that you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine so that you can become a happier, healthier you.


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